Seattle Public Schools

Technology Plan

BEX V Project List

Appendix A: BEX V Full Project List

as presented and approved by Board

At the October 11, 2018 Board meeting, SPS Board of Directors approved Building Excellence (BEX) V Capital Levy Program and Authorizing Resolution 2018/19-6 with Technology projects listed as:

BEX V Proposed Technology Projects

Infrastructure: $44,041,000
District Systems: $45,114,000
Student Learning: $62,543,000
Total BEX V Proposed Technology Projects: $151,698,000

At the September 26, 2018 Board work session, the Board reviewed the BEX V project recommendations Priority 1A and 1B for the proposed capital projects including the Technology Projects below that were moved forward to the October 11, 2018 Building Excellence (BEX) V Capital Levy Program and Authorizing Resolution which was approved. These are included as the foundation for the BEX V Technology projects as part of this Technology Plan.

Infrastructure: Core technology to run and secure connectivity and applications.


Project Name

Proposed Project and Solution

BEX V Estimated Cost


Data Center

Data Warehouse Systems

Data Warehouse modernization to allow for increased data on modern systems. New architecture to allow for fast results from complex data sets. Foundation allows for modern dashboards and advanced data use to improve student outcomes.



Data Center

Servers & Storage

With over 1,000 servers, there is a need to keep our environment redundant and resilient. Replacement and migration of servers to modern platforms.



Data Center

Replace Disaster Recovery Equipment

Update Disaster Recovery equipment currently deployed both at JSCEE and alternative locations.



Data Center

Disaster Recovery in Cloud

Disaster Recovery in the cloud is the ability to restore service to core systems within a timely manner using a cloud-based entity. The systems restored to the cloud run as if they are physically located on-site from the perspective of the end users.



Data Center

Power Infrastructure Upgrade

Upgrade existing old power distribution units to newer versions with better power monitoring and controls to gather data about usage and integrate with existing tools.



Data Security

Cybersecurity Tools

New tools will enable a small staff use technology and data to defend the district.



Data Security

Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity training for both support staff and end users, including phishing training.



Data Security

Planning and Training

Disaster Recovery planning and training.



Data Security

Business Continuity

District-wide business continuity planning.





Increase capabilities for core network backbone.Add more redundancy and paths to support higher bandwidth. E-rate eligible for 50% discount.




Wireless for Stadiums, Auditoriums, Gyms

Provide high occupancy wireless support for large use locations. E-rate eligible for 50% discount.




Wireless Refresh

Upgrade wireless bandwidth and coverage. E-rate eligible for 50% discount.




Network Hardware Upgrades

Replace school network equipment that can no longer be serviced/repaired. E-rate eligible for 50% discount.




Power Upgrades

Upgraded power to support more equipment needed as we increase the use of network based, cameras, locks, Wi-Fi, building management, etc.



Physical Security

Camera Head End Replacement

Replace core storage and servers used to support CCTV systems that is used to record data for security of students and staff at schools.



Physical Security

Safety and Security Fingerprinting System

Maintain hardware and software used to perform security background checks on staff.



Physical Security

Access Badge Upgrade

Upgrade to standard district-wide badge system used by staff.



Physical Security

Student ID Badges

District-wide security badges and guest access. Includes hardware, software, supplies, and staffing.



Staff Technology

Administrative Staff Computers

Staff computers at central office and school offices and put on a four-year replacement cycle. Previously these were managed by schools and departments using general fund and site discretion. Centrally managing will save money and ensure equity.




Network Engineer

As we continue to have a more complex architecture, additional staff is needed to maintain and manage the environment.




Network Administrator

As we continue to have a more complex architecture, additional staff is needed to maintain and manage the environment.




Systems Engineer

As we continue adding complex software, additional staff is needed to manage the environment and integrations to maintain availability.



Operational Costs






Operational Costs

Software and maintenance renewals





Priority 1, 2, & 3 Total: $49,391,000

Priority 1 & 2 Total: $47,641,000

Priority 1A+B Total: $44,041,000

priority 1A Total: $35,921,000

District Systems: Business, Student, HR, Operations, Communications, Data systems.


Project Name

Proposed Project & Solution

BEX V Estimated Cost


Student Systems

Required Upgrade to PowerSchool

Add new PowerSchool modules that integrate student systems to improve school & district staff experience and streamline tracking & reporting.



Student Systems

Data Editing Tool Add-on to PowerSchool

Add product that can trap data errors at point of entry in PowerSchool.



Student Systems

Online Athletics Registration

Add new Athletics Registration product to integrate Athletics registration with PowerSchool & School Pay.



Student Systems

New Online Forms Tool with PowerSchool

Add product that allows SPS staff to create more online forms for use with parents & staff to collect data & automatically update PowerSchool.



Student Systems

Add Interventions to PowerSchool

Module for teachers and CBOs to track student interventions.



Student Systems

Add Student Case Management to PowerSchool

Module for counselors and teachers for student case management.



Business Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Upgrade

Upgrade and integrate an improved solution for Budget, Finance, Accounting, Payroll, and HR to replace a 16 year old platform.




Web Governance

Provide training of existing employees and/or add an additional employeeto drive the improvement of end user experience. Training would include train the trainer for website administrators multiple times per year, providing support to school website administrators, and new industry training on how to design/maintain websites for high quality end user experience.




Data Governance

Improve accuracy, timeliness, quality, and accessibility for reporting and processes to improve data quality and data exchange.




Data Visualization and Dashboard

Further development of a suite of district-wide dashboards for performance management and departmental operational dashboards to improve using data to improve student outcomes. This will include continued support of performance management program and related dashboards and Balanced Scorecard.




CBO Dashboards

Enhance CBO dashboards and bring in more pertinent data via visualizations.




C-SIP Redesign

Online C-SIP with data integration and real-time data. Predictive analytics sets automatic targets.




Predictive Analytics

Working with Amazon and partnering with Research to develop a machine learning algorithm to predict on-time graduation and at-risk students, so that interventions can happen early. This algorithm would process through SPS-specific data to quickly determine what unique characteristics or attributes or situations result in drop out or at risk. This would directly improve our graduation rates and help close opportunity gaps.




Search-based Data

Search-driven and AI-driven analytics platform to support self-service strategy.




Data Partnership with City of Seattle

Streamline systems/processes so that the City and the district are tracking similar metrics and reporting can be aligned.



Digital Transformation

OpenText Electronic Workflow Platform

Implementation includes contract services, SAP, Legal, Office of Student Civil Rights, Finance, HR, Archives departments. Implement contract server to manage all long-term document retention and accessibility. Add the capacity to scan to file. HR may have phase two case management needs.




Warehouse Systems Upgrade

Implement scanning for PO, picking & delivery processes; expand functionality to track warehouse items stocked in school kitchens.




Electronic Fleet Management

Implementor purchase fleet tracking & management system or module integrated with financial systems.




VersaTrans Upgrade/Replace – Transportation

Upgrade or replace transportation system.



Professional Development

Online Professional Development System

Implement integrated PD system for teachers and other staff.




Lead Developer for Classroom/Instruction & Integration Projects

Additional development capacity to improve user experience and integration between student systems.




Three FTE Senior Developers

Additional development capacity to improve user experience and integration between student systems.




Three Product Managers/BA in Acad. Units

Product Managers/Business Analysts for Teaching and Learning to analyze needs and formulate and to lead technology & business process improvement projects.





Nurse support to review policies & regulations, create processes to implement policies, provide user support & training and review & correct critical data for reporting.




Two Business Analysts

Resources to conduct thorough technology analysis, process review, training and support for the new Academic applications being implemented to improve staff effectiveness; ongoing enhancements & PD require continual analysis and review.




Counselor Support Business Analyst

Counselor support to review policies & regulations, create processes to implement policies, provide user support & training and review & correct critical data for reporting.




District Registrar

District Registrar to review policies & regulations, create processes to implement policies, and provide user support & training. Registrar would provide a single point of contact managing standards for courses and scheduling.




Support Web/Technology Rollouts to the Community

Provide support on technical projects and initiatives that need community engagement for outreach and adoption.




Web Application Developer

Develop & enhance web applications that are not part of our standard software, so parents and community members can explore boundaries, assignment areas, enrollment status, etc.



Operational Costs






Operational Costs

Software and maintenance renewals





Priority 1, 2, & 3 Total : $62,354,000

Priority 1 & 2 Total : $50,014,000

Priority 1A+B Total : $45,114,000

Priority 1A Total : $43,364,000

Student Learning: Hardware, software, and services to directly support instruction and student learning.


Project Name

Proposed Project & Solution

BEX V Estimated Cost

Current Priority

Staff Technology

Computers for Instructional Assistants

Computers for Instructional Assistants. Currently IA’s do not have direct access to a computer and they cannot easily work on important communication and educational tasks.



Staff Technology

Replacement Computers for Principals

Principal and Assistant Principal computers replacement cycle (every three years) to meet PASS contract. Standard laptop.



Staff Technology

Replacement Computers for Certificated Staff

Certificated staff, all SEA members, computer replacement cycle (four years) to keep functional mobile devices to teachers, counselors, librarians, etc., for improved instructional quality, increased collaboration, equity of resources, and ultimately improved student achievement.



Staff Professional Development

Professional Development for Technology

Provide three hours of training time each year of the Collective Bargaining Agreements (cert, Para, and SAEOP) and additional in-school professional development.



Classroom Technology

Assistive Technology

Provide students the technology they need to meet their learning objectives as stated in IEP’s and 504’s. Includes assistive devices for vision, auditory, and motor skills. Based on existing spending.



Classroom Technology

CTE Technology

CTE technology, computers and peripherals allowing for new technology to be implemented in these classrooms that support the type of work that is done in today’s careers. Budget need outside of state and federal funding.



Classroom Technology

Replacement Classroom Computers

Keep current computer inventory level, but replace desktops with laptops as they age out (goal of industry standard four-year replacement cycle) to allow for use of classrooms for basic computing for basic research, assessment, writing, simulations, projects, etc. This will enable the commitment to SEA to not use libraries and labs used for dedicated teaching environments. Replacement cycle is 25% of this base inventory replaced annually.



Classroom Technology

Continue Support for STEM at Cleveland

Support the continuation of the STEM program at Cleveland.



Classroom Technology

Technology for K-5 students

Grants available to all elementary schools for technology to support C-SIP goals in MTSS, professional development, and technology innovation. Guidelines reviewed by ITAC and approved by Teaching and Learning.



Classroom Technology

Technology for Secondary School Students

Grants available to all secondary schools for technology to support C-SIP goals in MTSS, professional development, and technology innovation. Guidelines reviewed by ITAC and approved by Teaching and Learning.



Classroom Technology

Equitable Access and Distribution of Technology to High Need Elementary Schools*

These schools will receive funds beyond the basics to have technology to support teaching and learning. Principals and BLT’s will choose from standard technologies to meet the needs of their students. Schools will receive funds to support teaching and learning with technology. Guidelines reviewed by ITAC and approved by Teaching and Learning. Schools include:

Emerson Elementary
South Shore PK-8 School
Concord International School
Dunlap Elementary
John Muir Elementary
Leschi Elementary
Lowell Elementary
M. L. King Jr. Elementary
West Seattle Elementary
Bailey Gatzert Elementary
Highland Park Elementary
Madrona Elementary
Sanislo Elementary



Classroom Technology

Equitable Access and Distribution of Technology to High Need Secondary*

These schools will receive funds beyond the basics to have technology to support teaching and learning. Principals and BLT’s will choose from standard technologies to meet the needs of their students. Guidelines reviewed by ITAC and approved by Teaching and Learning. Schools include:

Denny International Middle School
Aki Kurose Middle School
Alan T. Sugiyama High School at South Lake
Seattle World School
Mercer International Middle School
Rainier Beach High School
Washington Middle School
Franklin High School



Classroom Technology

Equitable Access and Distribution of Technology to Students at Lincoln

Support the new program at Lincoln. This is currently in the planning stages but need to plan for addition technology needs for the program.



Classroom Technology

Advanced Technology Use to Support New Teaching and Learning Models

Annual competitive grants of $1M to be used for STEM, Revisioning, Maker Spaces, robotics, probes, AR/VR, project-based learning, flexible learning spaces and advanced technology to support C-SIP. Guidelines reviewed by ITAC and approved by Teaching and Learning.



Classroom AV

Classroom AV Group 1 High Need 400 Classrooms

Replacement of oldest classroom and A/V equipment at WSS Tier 1-2 schools with current specification at:

Denny International Middle School
Aki Kurose Middle School
Emerson Elementary
Alan T. Sugiyama High School at South Lake
South Shore PK-8 School
Mercer International Middle School
Rainier Beach High School
Concord International School
Dunlap Elementary
John Muir Elementary
Leschi Elementary
Lowell Elementary
Louisa Boren STEM K-8 School (Sound system only)



Classroom AV

Classroom AV Group 2 Tier 2-3 Priority 457 Classrooms*

Replacement of oldest classroom and A/V equipment with current specification at WSS Tier 3 schools:

M. L. King Jr. Elementary
Washington Middle School
West Seattle Elementary
Bailey Gatzert Elementary
Franklin High School
Highland Park Elementary
Madrona Elementary
Sanislo Elementary Rainier View Elementary
Sand Point Elementary
Broadview-Thomson K-8 School
Dearborn Park International School
Gatewood Elementary
Graham Hill Elementary
Hawthorne Elementary
James Baldwin Elementary
Orca K-8 School
Viewlands Elementary
Whitman Middle School
Adams Elementary
Chief Sealth International High School
Sacajawea Elementary
Van Asselt Elementary
Hamilton International Middle School



Classroom AV

Classroom AV Group 3 Tier 4 schools 700 Classrooms*

Replacement of oldest (end of service/end of life) classroom and Professional Development A/V equipment with current standards at:

Ballard High School
Madison Middle School
Middle College High School
Roosevelt High School
Alki Elementary
B.F. Day Elementary
Bryant Elementary
Catharine Blaine K-8 School
Frantz Coe Elementary
Green Lake Elementary
Greenwood Elementary
John Hay Elementary
John Rogers Elementary
Kimball Elementary
Lafayette Elementary
Laurelhurst Elementary
Lawton Elementary
Maple Elementary
McDonald International Elementary
McGilvra Elementary
Montlake Elementary
Olympic View Elementary
Salmon Bay K-8 School
Stevens Elementary
The Center School



Classroom AV

Classroom AV Group 4 Tier 4 700 Classrooms*

Replacement of oldest (end of service/end of life) classroom and Professional Development A/V equipment with current standards at:

Thurgood Marshall Elementary
TOPS K-8 School
View Ridge Elementary
Wedgwood Elementary
West Seattle High School
West Woodland Elementary
Beacon Hill International School
Eckstein Middle School
Garfield High School
John Stanford International School
Louisa Boren STEM K-8 School
McClure Middle School
North Beach Elementary
Pathfinder K-8 School
Whittier Elementary
Cleveland STEM High School
Ingraham International High School
Nathan Hale High School



Digital Resources

Student Assessment System Licenses

Renew and maintain Student assessment system licenses



Digital Resources

Increase Online Student Library Resources

Increase budget for online student resources purchased through library services. Currently, we are spending approximately $6 per student which is considerably less than area districts.



Digital Resources

Supplemental Educational Software

Provide budget to purchase district-wide educational creative, operational, and supplemental software that are supplementary materials that are vetted and provide equity.



Operational Costs






Operational Costs

Software and maintenance renewals





Total Priority 1, 2 & 3 : $98,423,000

Total Priority 1& 2 : $77,273,000

Total Priority 1A+B : $62,543,000

Total priority 1A : $48,313,000

*Schools may change based on need

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